Satish Astrology and Vasthu Consulting


Detailed Analysis - 2024

Know the cosmic influence of Saturn in 2024. Our analysis reveals how Saturn's transit will impact your life, providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.


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Description of This Service:

SATURN TRANSIT Detailed Analysis - 2024

Saturn Transit Detailed Analysis – 2024:

Saturn signifies Air element. Saturn is exalted in Libra which is cardinal sign with air element. The degree of exaltation is 20 degrees. The excess air with Saturn in Libra allows Saturn to manifest its highest qualities in our life. In its normal or worst form it is the most malefic planet among all the planets.

Saturn represents hard work, patience, perseverance, discipline, administrative skills, management skills, lawfulness, dutifulness, justice, analytical abilities, meditation, spiritual growth, wisdom, sincerity, authority, rationalthinking, practicalnature. Saturn brings limitation and obstruction, hindrance in self expression and self manifestation. As Jupiter is the great affirmer, Saturn is the great negator. Destruction is as important in evolution as creation is. In this respect Saturn is just opposite of Sun. In mythology Saturn is described as the son of Sun. Father and Sun are the greatest enemy of each other.

Saturn gets exalted in Libra. Exalted Saturn can make us really free from our fear of the limitation of the material realm in our life. Saturn is the death that takes us beyond the limitations of the mortal life, which is the gateway to the eternal Exalted Saturn is the Yogi in meditation. He can teach us complete detachment and independence from material desires in our life. Exalted Saturn can also deliver enormous wealth and power in our mundane life by giving us the concentration and discipline and will power and seriousness to achieve most enduring success in our life.

Saturn gets debilitated in Aries which is fire element and cardinal sign. It is the same story where air and fire combines to deliver the uncontrolled miseries of the negative qualities of Saturn in our life. It will cause poverty, deprivation and want. It will keep us in bondage and will take away all our vitality on a physical or mental level.

What you get in this Consultation Analysis?

Astrologer would draft your Saturn Transit Report of 3 to 4 pages according to your Zodiac Sign. This is the most comprehensive report that you can avail as Saturn plays a major role in person’s life. Astrologer would speak about the events that would take place in your life and also he can suggest you few recommendations based on the afflictions.

Please provide the following information about you in the relevant fields provided below while booking for a Horoscope Analysis:

  • Your Name:
  • Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
  • Time of Birth (please mention clearly AM or PM):
  • Place of Birth:
  • Gender:
  • Marital Status:
  • Specify your Problem:


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Explore the predictions for significant cosmic shifts and life-altering events that Saturn's transit will bring during the year with our personalized "SATURN TRANSIT Detailed Analysis - 2024"

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Explore the predictions for significant cosmic shifts and life-altering events that Saturn's transit will bring during the year with our personalized "SATURN TRANSIT Detailed Analysis - 2024"

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Feedback from Our Customers


Hasanthie Chandrathilaka

Happy Customer

"I used to surf youtube and accidently found Satish Ji ‘s videos. I thought to get a consultation and searched his webpage and I got easy guidelines to get consultation for a reasonable price. I got a full detail report and answers for all the questions I forwarded. This service is excellent."


Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan

Happy Customer

"Mr. Satish was knowledgeable and explained the results patiently.

Highly recommend!"


Vikas Sharma

Happy Customer

"Highly recommend Satish Ji.

Extremely detailed report with remedies. This is a great help for those seeking some direction."

Explore the predictions for significant cosmic shifts and life-altering events that Saturn's transit will bring during the year with our personalized "SATURN TRANSIT Detailed Analysis - 2024"

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The Following factors are focused areas for every consultation Analysis.

Know the cosmic influence of Saturn in 2024. Our analysis reveals how Saturn's transit will impact your life, providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Exactness and Accuracy:

Accuracy/Exactness is atmost important aspect of consideration in our consultation analysis. The principles and the recommendations mentioned in our Consultation Reports are highly accurate as they are simply provided just like that and after thoroughly researching the Vedic shastras of different branches of Astrology such as Sage Parashara hora shastra and Bhirgu nandi Astrology system. Its all based on the vedic calculations and predictions are given by taking into account of the planetary alignment of the specific birth chart. By knowing the predictions beforehand, you would be more accurate in your approach than when you don’t have any prediction report in your hand. Our customers just love our services as they are highly accurate in nature.


Planetary Effects Simplification:

Planets are responsible for having heavenly or hell life according to Vedic Astrology. Its all boils down to the planetary alignment in your Birth chart that determines your success or failure. Our special consultations also puts light on the major planetary transits for the year and their effects on your birth chart.


Remedy Prescriptions:

When we understand the problems or dangers that we face in astrology, how do we know the rootcause of it and what is the solution for those problems – Thts when we need to rely upon Remedies prescribed by Vedic Shastras as per Astrology. The expert astrologers at our firm come to guard you with their remedies for specific transit or planetary movements. This way, you foresee the future and stay ready with the astrological remedies to skip any unfavorable situations.


Quarter by Quarter Predictions:

In our One year forecast Know your predictions 2024 Consultation – We provide you the 2024 astrology predictions for all four quarters, so you are always ready to plan ahead of time and accordingly.


Simplified and Easy to understand Summary:

Most of our Consultation Analysis include not just theory or just a prediction. We shall also do state the Technical analysis or a principle why are stating the same. We also provide the key factors that are related to Vedic Astrological events. As we provide Technicalities in our Consultations and maintain the high quality summary to easy understand, we were being referred by many of our prospective clients to others. We believe in quality over quantity and hence our charges are competitive in nature too. Overall our objective is to serve the right audience who are serious followers of Vedic astrology and we do offer minimal consultations per month. We provide an easy-to-understand format while summarizing your strengths, weaknesses, and tips to follow for the given the year 2024.


Explore the predictions for significant cosmic shifts and life-altering events that Saturn's transit will bring during the year with our personalized "SATURN TRANSIT Detailed Analysis - 2024"

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